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How to use this Website?

This website is for medical and paramedical professionals working in the field of spinal cord injuries. It contains learning modules for the whole team as well as for doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, assistive technologists, social workers, psychologists and peer counsellors. The modules are intended for medical and paramedical students and junior clinicians. Others who have yet not assimilated sufficient knowledge on comprehensive management.

Principles of management

1.         Bromley I. Tetraplegia and Paraplegia: a guide for physiotherapists. 6th ed. 2006, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.

2.         Harvey  L. Management of spinal cord injuries: a guide for physiotherapists. 2008, London: Elsevier.

3.         Harvey L, Lin CM, Glinsky J, De Wolf A. The effectiveness of physical interventions for people with spinal cord injuries: a systematic review. Spinal Cord 2009; 47: 184-195.

4.         Herrmann KH, Kirchberger I, Stucki G, Cieza A. The Comprehensive ICF core sets for spinal cord injury from the perspective of physical therapists: A worldwide validation study using the Delphi technique. Spinal Cord 2011; 49: 502-514.

5.         Rauch A, Escorpizo R, Riddle DL, Eriks-Hoogland I, Stucki G, Cieza A. Using a case report of a patient with spinal cord injury to illustrate the application of the International classification of functioning, disability and health during multidisciplinary patient management. Phys Ther 2010; 90: 1039-1052.

6.         Somers MF. Spinal cord injury: functional rehabilitation. 2nd ed. 2001, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

7.         Taylor-Schroeder S, LaBarbera J, McDowell S, Zanca JM, Natales A, Mumma S. et al. Physical therapy treatment time during inpatient spinal cord injury rehabilitation. J Spinal Cord Med 2011; 34: 149-161.

8.         Van Langeveld SA, Post MW, Van Asbeck FW, Ter Horst P, Leenders J, Postma K. et al. Contents of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and sports therapy sessions for patients with a spinal cord injury in three Dutch rehabilitation centres. Disabil Rehabil 2011; 33: 412-422.