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How to use this Website?

This website is for medical and paramedical professionals working in the field of spinal cord injuries. It contains learning modules for the whole team as well as for doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, assistive technologists, social workers, psychologists and peer counsellors. The modules are intended for medical and paramedical students and junior clinicians. Others who have yet not assimilated sufficient knowledge on comprehensive management.

About the collaborating partners

Asian Spinal Cord Network (ASCoN) and Indian Spinal Injuries Centre (ISIC) are partners with ISCoS for this project.

Asian Spinal Cord Network (ASCoN)

The Asian Spinal Cord Network (ASCoN) was formed in 2001 and consists of a group of organizations in the Asian region that have come together to share and learn from each other in all aspects of spinal cord injury management. ASCoN has 74 member organizations based in 18 countries throughout Asia. ASCoN became an affiliated society of the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) in 2004. Further details are available on www.ascon.info

The role of ASCoN in the elearning project has been to provide resource persons responsible for assisting in the development and endorsement of the content and providing advocacy.

Indian Spinal Injuries Centre (ISIC)

The ISIC is recognized by the Government of India as the apex referral Centre in India for the management of spinal injuries. The Centre also caters to other types of neurological and non-neurological complex conditions and injuries. Thus it is a super specialty hospital catering to spinal injuries as well as Spinal, Orthopaedic, Neurosurgical, Neurological and Urological aliments. The Centre is a not-for-profit organization run by a registered Society. The Chairman and brain behind the Centre, Major HPS Ahluwalia sustained a cervical spinal cord injury rendering him tetraplegic 30 years ago. Further details about ISIC are available on www.isiconline.org

The role of ISIC in the elearning project has been to serve as the project base, coordinate design and development of the interface, content development and initial piloting and project management (technical). A secretariat was set up at ISIC for this purpose. The coordination of the whole elearnSCI.org project, including coordination of the activities of the various subcommittees and Editorial Committee, liaison with Grapes Software, the company developing the web platform, formatting the presentations etc. was done at ISIC. The post ISCoS 2010 Annual Scientific Meeting Workshop on “Comprehensive Management of SCI” (the presentations of which were used as drafts by the various subcommittees to develop the educational resource) and the workshop with the same name in April 2012 to pilot-run the various presentations and for the inputs of the Editorial Committee, were also held at ISIC.