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How to use this Website?

This website is for medical and paramedical professionals working in the field of spinal cord injuries. It contains learning modules for the whole team as well as for doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, assistive technologists, social workers, psychologists and peer counsellors. The modules are intended for medical and paramedical students and junior clinicians. Others who have yet not assimilated sufficient knowledge on comprehensive management.

Undertaking/ Rights of the Contributing Experts

  1. The contributing experts submitting his/her work on the ISCoS website agree and undertake to waive his/her right to further commercially use, appropriate or publish the said submitted work anywhere else, be it online or in print. The contributing expert understands and agrees with all the terms and conditions for the said submission, given herein.
  2. The contributing experts agree, undertake and confirm that the content provided by his/her shall not be false, inaccurate or misleading.
  3. The contributing experts also agree, undertake and confirm that the content provided to us by him/her shall not be fraudulent, shall not contain any virus, Trojan horses, worm, time bombs, Easter eggs, cancel bots or other computer programming routines that may damage, detrimentally interfere with, diminish value of, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information.
  4. The contributing experts undertake that the work submitted is an original production/work of the contributing expert. The contributing experts also agree, undertake and confirm that the data provided by him/her does not violate or infringe any pre-existing copyrights, trademarks or any other intellectual property rights.
  5. Since the objective of the website is to promote academic excellence, the contributing experts also agree and undertake to extend his/her cooperation where possible and appropriate in revising/editing his/her original work and to help bring out subsequent editions of his/her earlier publications, whenever requested to do so by ISCoS.
Rights of the Contributing Authors
  1. In lieu of the absolute submission of right to use the said work, ISCoS undertakes to duly acknowledge the contributing expert’s name along with the reference/citation to his/her work and wherever the said work is reproduced by ISCoS.
  2. ISCoS provides an opportunity to the contributing experts to revise and update his/her works following the established process of review as and when required.
  3. In case of any revisions/ subsequent editions to the said work, ISCoS would make an endeavor to involve/associate the contributing experts in the process of revising/editing the same.