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This website is for medical and paramedical professionals working in the field of spinal cord injuries. It contains learning modules for the whole team as well as for doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, assistive technologists, social workers, psychologists and peer counsellors. The modules are intended for medical and paramedical students and junior clinicians. Others who have yet not assimilated sufficient knowledge on comprehensive management.

Cell transplant therapy

  1. Butler MG, Menitove JE. Umbilical cord blood banking: an update. J Assist Reprod Genet 2011; 28: 669-676.
  2. Chhabra HS, Lima C, Sachdeva S, Mittal A, Nigam V, Chaturvedi D et al. Autologous olfactory [corrected] mucosal transplant in chronic spinal cord injury: an Indian Pilot Study. Spinal Cord 2009; 47: 887-895.
  3. Fawcett JW, Curt A, Steeves JD, Coleman WP, Tuszynski MH, Lammertse D et al. Guidelines for the conduct of clinical trials for spinal cord injury as developed by the ICCP panel: spontaneous recovery after spinal cord injury and statistical power needed for therapeutic clinical trials. Spinal Cord 2007; 45: 190-205.
  4. Heinemann AW, Steeves JD, Boninger M, Groah S, Sherwood AM. State of the Science in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation 2011: informing a new research agenda. Spinal Cord 2012; 50: 390-397.
  5. Illes J, Reimer JC, Kwon BK. Stem cell clinical trials for spinal cord injury: readiness, reluctance, redefinition. Stem Cell Rev 2011; 7: 997-1005.
  6. Kwon BK, Okon EB, Plunet W, Baptiste D, Fouad K, Hillyer J et al. A systematic review of directly applied biologic therapies for acute spinal cord injury. J Neurotrauma 2011; 28: 1589-1610.
  7. Lammertse D, Tuszynski MH, Steeves JD, Curt A, Fawcett JW, Rask C et al. Guidelines for the conduct of clinical trials for spinal cord injury as developed by the ICCP panel: clinical trial design. Spinal Cord 2007; 45: 232-242.
  8. Lammertse DP, Jones LAT, Charlifue SB, Kirshblum SC, Apple DF, Ragnarsson KT et al. Autologous incubated macrophage therapy in acute, complete spinal cord injury: results of the phase 2 randomized controlled multicenter trial. Spinal Cord 2012.
  9. Mackay-Sim A, Féron F, Cochrane J, Bassingthwaighte L, Bayliss C, Davies W et al. Autologous olfactory ensheathing cell transplantation in human paraplegia: a 3-year clinical trial. Brain 2008; 131: 2376-2386.
  10. Nakamura M, Tsuji O, Nori S, Toyama Y, Okano H. Cell transplantation for spinal cord injury focusing on iPSCs. Expert Opin Biol Ther 2012; 12: 811-821.
  11. Noble M, Mayer-Pröschel M, Davies JE, Davies SJA, Pröschel C. Cell therapies for the central nervous system: how do we identify the best candidates? Curr Opin Neurol 2011; 24: 570-576.
  12. Nori S, Okada Y, Yasuda A, Tsuji O, Takahashi Y, Kobayashi Y et al. Grafted human-induced pluripotent stem-cell-derived neurospheres promote motor functional recovery after spinal cord injury in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2011; 108: 16825-16830.
  13. Oliveri RS. Epigenetic dedifferentiation of somatic cells into pluripotency: cellular alchemy in the age of regenerative medicine? Regen Med 2007; 2: 795-816.
  14. Parke S, Illes J. In delicate balance: stem cells and spinal cord injury advocacy. Stem Cell Rev 2011; 7: 657-663.
  15. Pluchino S, Cusimano M, Bacigaluppi M, Martino G. Remodelling the injured CNS through the establishment of atypical ectopic perivascular neural stem cell niches. Arch Ital Biol 2010; 148: 173-183.
  16. Ruff CA, Wilcox JT, Fehlings MG. Cell-based transplantation strategies to promote plasticity following spinal cord injury. Exp Neurol 2012; 235: 78-90.
  17. Salewski RPF, Eftekharpour E, Fehlings MG. Are induced pluripotent stem cells the future of cell-based regenerative therapies for spinal cord injury? J Cell Physiol 2010; 222: 515-521.
  18. Steeves JD, Lammertse D, Curt A, Fawcett JW, Tuszynski MH, Ditunno JF et al. Guidelines for the conduct of clinical trials for spinal cord injury (SCI) as developed by the ICCP panel: clinical trial outcome measures. Spinal Cord 2007; 45: 206-221.
  19. Steeves JD, Zariffa J, Kramer JLK. Are you "tilting at windmills" or undertaking a valid clinical trial? Yonsei Med J 2011; 52: 701-716.
  20. Tetzlaff W, Okon EB, Karimi-Abdolrezaee S, Hill CE, Sparling JS, Plemel JR et al. A systematic review of cellular transplantation therapies for spinal cord injury. J Neurotrauma 2011; 28: 1611-1682.
  21. Thomas KE, Moon LDF. Will stem cell therapies be safe and effective for treating spinal cord injuries? Br Med Bull 2011; 98: 127-142.
  22. Thuret S, Moon LDF, Gage FH. Therapeutic interventions after spinal cord injury. Nat Rev Neurosci 2006; 7: 628-643.
  23. Tuszynski MH, Steeves JD, Fawcett JW, Lammertse D, Kalichman M, Rask C et al. Guidelines for the conduct of clinical trials for spinal cord injury as developed by the ICCP Panel: clinical trial inclusion/exclusion criteria and ethics. Spinal Cord 2007; 45: 222-231.
  24. Yoon SH, Shim YS, Park YH, Chung JK, Nam JH, Kim MO, et al. Complete spinal cord injury treatment using autologous bone marrow cell transplantation and bone marrow stimulation with granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor: Phase I/II clinical trial. Stem Cells. 2007; 25:2066-73.